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Hip Hop Beats
Join us now 5 Amazing Rap Beats & Music Marketing Tips
“ is here to help source High Quality
Instrumentals with hooks for Independent Rap Artists. ”
Dan AKA The Corporatethief Beats
Daniel Hartnett / Beat Maker , Producer Audio Engineer
How To Buy Beats From
The Beat Player?
Lease Licenses Explained
Basic Non - eXclusive
- MP3 - Yes
- HQ Wav - X
- Tracked Out - X
- Distribution Copies - 2000
- Non-Profit Performances - 2000
- Paid Performances - 2000
- Music Videos - 1
- Audio Streams - 5000
- Video Streams - 2000
- Broadcasting Rights X
- Radio Stations - 2
- Producer Remains Ownership
Premium Lease
- MP3 - Yes
- HQ Wav - Yes
- Tracked Out - X
- Distribution Copies - 5000
- Non-Profit Performances - 5000
- Paid Performances - 2000
- Music Videos - 2
- Audio Streams - 5000
- Video Streams - 5000
- Broadcasting Rights - Yes
- Radio Stations - 2
- Producer Remains Ownership
Platinum Lease
- MP3 - Yes
- HQ Wav - Yes
- Tracked Out - Yes
- Distribution Copies - 10000
- Non-Profit Performances - 10000
- Paid Performances - 10000
- Music Videos - 2
- Audio Streams - 10000
- Video Streams - 10000
- Broadcasting Rights - Yes
- Radio Stations - 2
- Producer Remains Ownership
Exclusive rights
- MP3 - Yes
- HQ Wav - Yes
- Tracked Out - Yes
- Distribution Copies - Unlimited
- Non-Profit Performances -Unlimited
- Paid Performances - Unlimited
- Music Videos - Unlimited
- Audio Streams - Unlimited
- Video Streams - Unlimited
- Broadcasting Rights - Yes
- Radio Stations - Unlimited
- Beat Is Removed From Site

Main Benefits Our Site
These are some of the benefits you get by purchasing exclusive beats with
We are glad that you came to our website to check out our beats. We have music producers from all over the globe.
Some of the main Genres of beats we make include hip hop, rap , hook beats, trap beats, west coast and pop beats.
Sourcing Amazing Beats With Hooks
Jay Z has Young Guru, his engineer to help him select the beat hip hop beats for his albums. We can provide you with that same service by finding the best music producers and pre-selecting their best hip hop beats for you.
Our Blog is an amazing resource of information tips & music marketing tips.
Get the best information on the net to help you promote your music, record your music , find the best music producers and vocal recording tips.
Demo Downloads
We allow some demo download for our members. This helps you see if you really can create something special with your our music. If not..Don't worry we have more beats coming every month. Read Demo Download Disclaimer.
Support For Our Members
Can't find what you are looking for? No problem hit the contact button above and we will help you find the right beats for your projects. Got questions just ask?
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Hip Hop Beats
“ is here to help source High Quality Instrumentals with hooks for Independent Rap Artists. ”
Beats With Hooks
Rap Music Beats
Trap Beats With Hooks
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