Feeling lucky that Bryant Barnes brought his guitar to break down “I’d Rather Pretend” on #Genius 💛

October 5, 2024
Feeling lucky that Bryant Barnes brought his guitar to break down "I'd Rather Pretend" on #Genius 💛 2

Bryant Barnes stopped by the Genius office to break down his single “I’d Rather Pretend.” Produced by Andrew Luce, the track is a breakout single off Bryant’s EP VANITY. On today’s episode of VERIFIED, the singer-songwriter shares the inspiration behind the hit, his decision to pursue music over sports, how he found his sound, and more! Subscribe to Genius: http://bit.ly/2cNV6nz
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http://genius.com #BryantBarnes #IdRatherPretend #Verified Source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXgBW5qkVd0

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