KATSEYE shares the meaning behind “My Way” and the importance of doing things your own way 💛 #Genius

December 17, 2024
KATSEYE shares the meaning behind "My Way" and the importance of doing things your own way 💛 #Genius 2

ICYMI: On the latest episode of VERIFIED, the ladies of KATSEYE dive into the personal stories behind the song, share how each member brings something unique to the group, and open up about navigating life and growth together as a team. Subscribe to Genius: http://bit.ly/2cNV6nz
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http://genius.com #KATSEYE #MyWay #Verified Source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bz-_R_cKf78

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About the author, Danny - Site Admin

Welcome to the Beatwithhook.com website. This is my curated blog of some of the best hip hop beat makers online from around the world. Source links back to all the beat makers videos discovered from Youtube. Show these talented musicians and creators some love by sharing the posts with your followers.

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